November 2021
click on a picture for enlargement
undetermined blenny
Boulder brain coral
juvenile Bluehead
Yellownose goby
Bearded fireworm
Split-crown feather duster
Spinyhead blenny
Ruby brittle star
juvenile Smooth trunkfish
juvenile Lane snapper
or Mahogany snapper
White spotted octopus
Distaplia bermudensis
Sun anemone
Green razorfish
Red reef hermit crab
Spanish lobster
Nodose rubble crab
Southern stingray
Banded butterflyfish
Amber pen shell
juvenile Yellowhead wrasse
Christmas tree worms
Longlure frogfish
Aplysina cauliformis with Ophiothrix suensoni
Pale cardinalfish
all pictures made by Rokus Groeneveld
Nikon D800 with 60mm macro in Subal ND800 housing
Strobes: double Subtronic Pro 160